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Our Philosophy

Ensuring a Safe and Fun Environment

View Royal Out of School Care Society was established in 1993 and its Members are comprised of parents and/or guardians of the children enrolled in the Program.


We believe in providing a safe and fun environment where children may develop positive social skills such as responsibility, respect and cooperation through communication. This environment should stimulate growth and provide opportunities for children to make choices that satisfy their individual needs.


We believe working as a team, with parents and teachers, is essential, in order to provide consistent care and guidance to each child. We welcome your involvement, suggestions, and support.

Who is View Royal Out of School Care Society (VROSC)?

We are a NON PROFIT Society. We offer care for school-aged children when school is not in session. We also offer Preschool programs with both full and half day options. Every family that has a child or children attending any of our Programs is a member of View Royal OSC. Membership is automatic once you’ve paid the Program Registration Fee and your space in a Program has been confirmed.


Who Owns VROSC?

No one owns VROSC. It is a non-profit organization not a privately owned business. 


Who Governs VROSC? 

The Parent Board, made up of our members, governs VROSC … that means YOU! All families are welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly meetings. There are also 5 elected positions to the Parent Board Executive – Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Parent-at-Large.


What is the Responsibility of a Parent Board Executive member?

Meet once a month – dates and times are determined by the members of the Parent Board Executive based on their availability. Meetings can run anywhere from 1 to 2 hours in general. (No meetings in July and August). ï‚· Parent Board Executive members operate at arm’s length from VROSC management; they are not responsible for making day to day operating decisions for the Society. ï‚· Review and approve financials. ï‚· Discuss policies and/or issues that the OSC Manager brings to the Parent Board Executive’s attention. ï‚· Bring ideas, concerns and positive thinking!

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